Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and given the 68 percent increase between 2000 and 2010, it is quickly becoming an epidemic.
Author Gina Wilson is no stranger to the disease after spending years as her father's caregiver. In her new book, "Donald's Story," Wilson goes beyond the facts of a straight memoir by offering caregivers concrete survival strategies and sharing ways of balancing personal and professional life in the face of extreme stress and adversity.
"Alzheimer's caregiving is exhaustive and depleting work," Wilson explains. "Your success as a compassionate caregiver is inextricably linked with your ability to maintain your own physical, mental and emotional health, despite the obstacles. I was a single mother and managed a large staff during my caregiving years. In my book I illustrate ways to balance your busy life while caring for your terminally ill loved one."
Wilson provides an in-depth personal look into an Alzheimer's story. From pre-diagnosis to the end, "Donald's Story" tenderly illustrates the struggles and pain caused by the disease, as well as the persistent triumphs of the human spirit in the face of the Alzheimer's diagnosis.
This life coach's survival guide showcases how to successfully manage the extreme stress generated by a dementing illness and offers ways to balance the heartache, fatigue and despair through patient attention to one's own needs. In caring for oneself, the caregiver preserves the ability and desire to continue compassionate care for the other.
"Caring for a loved one with dementia is a constant, round the clock job," Wilson says. "Watching the dramatic cognitive decline punctuated with sporadic moments of lucidity is really painful. By its very nature, Alzheimer's is an isolating disease. One primary purpose of my book is to lend support to other caregivers so that they know they're not alone."
"Donald's Story: One family's journey through the tangled darkness of Alzheimer's"
By Gina Wilson
ISBN: 978-1-4634-4693-2
Available at,,, and
About the author
Gina Moreno Wilson grew up in southern California, and has academic degrees in history, communications and law. Currently living in Las Vegas with her two daughters, Sophia and Julia, Gina continues to be an advocate for dementia sufferers and for those who love and care for them, while also balancing a career as a diversified entrepreneur and life coach.
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