Author Gertie Mae Talton wanted to get a summation of the current times man lives. And thus, she has written "Armageddon Notes," (published by Xlibris) a book that takes an intimate look into her life and acquaintances as well as the events that have shaped the environment.
This book presents a side-by-side introspective of Biblical anecdotes that Talton thinks will encompass Bible doctrine as it relates to the lives of the family of Dewitt (Griffin) Talton, school activities / personnel (both high school and college personages of teachers and students) and church-related happenings of writings and people around, which many of the writings are centered. The prolific writings of 1982 entail many soul-searching details, which show a definitive change in the affairs of the life and times of the author.
"This book will appeal to religious leaders and Christians who are avid students of the Bible," Talton explains. "It serves as a guide for Christians who believe in the Second Coming of Jesus. It gives true information on Christians who dare to be upfront Christians."
Talton learned about living a holy and a sanctified life through a neighborhood evangelist named Mrs. Willie Mae Brown and through a college prayer group named C.H. Mason Club. She believes that "Armageddon Notes" reflect a story of true Christians who can place a premium on living a holy and sanctified life daily.
"Armageddon Notes"
By Gertie Mae Talton
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 686 pages | ISBN 9781503562318
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 686 pages | ISBN 9781503562325
E-Book | 686 pages | ISBN 9781503562332
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Gertie Mae Talton is an avid genealogist. A Louisiana native, she is a retired English teacher. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in English/library science from Grambling State University in Grambling, Louisiana. She was Assistant President of the C.H. Mason Club, Interim President of Lambda Iota Tau Literary Honor Society, Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, a college dean's list and a cum laude graduate. She has been a Staff Writer for the Gospel Truth Magazine, a subsidiary of the Full Gospel Holy Temple Church, Incorporated (1978-1981).
Currently, she is a semi-retired book editor/proofreader for "The Downloading of Files into the Human Psyche" (Joanne Talton-Tisdale); "Your Thought Life" (Joanne Talton-Tisdale); and "Life In The Spirit" (Bishop Gerald C. Moore); etc. She is the author of "The Murray Transfiguration" and "Armageddon Notes."
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