Blessing places an individual in a block of certain parameters for their creator to watch over them and bring the words pronounced to fruition. Blessing, once pronounced, is established. The only one that can revoke them is God and the one the blessing was conferred on. No one else. Even the pronouncer cannot revoke them.
Isaac could not revoke the blessing he had pronounced on Jacob. Even when in realization of Jacob not being the one he meant to pronounce the blessing on. He intimated to Esau: "I have blessed him yea and he shall be blessed."
Author and pastor Georgina Boye is a woman of strong faith and conviction. Known by her associates as "God's End-Time Warrior", Boye operates under a strong prophetic anointing.
In 2009, God impressed upon Boye to pronounce blessings upon the members of her church. Why? Prayers are temporary, but blessings are permanent.
"Blessings are very important in ever living person's life. They must be pronounced on or conferred upon one," Boye said. "Pronounce the blessings on what and who you love and wish the best for them. The blessings will happen as you speak them because they are the word of God."
Thus, "Power of Pronouncing Blessing" was born. Through her education and vast experiences as a pastor, Boye has created a book that guide's readers through various blessings for all occasions, people and situations. Through following Boye's lead, readers can begin blessing their family, church and country and watch as dramatic changes take over.
"Blessing is the greatest legacy anyone can leave for their family. This is not the exhaustive account of blessing in the word of God," Boye said. "But this book will equip you to make the right pronouncements of blessing upon all whom you love and cherish."
For more information, visit
"Power of Pronouncing Blessing"
By: Georgina Boye
ISBN: 978-1-4908-6373-3
Available in softcover ($17.95), hardcover ($33.95), e-book ($7.99)
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Westbow Press
About the author
Georgina Boye is the pastor of Dayspring Glory Ministries in New York. Boye holds her bachelor's degree in Theology and a master's degree in Christian counseling. Boye is known by her associates as "God's End-Time Warrior," called with a mandate to intercede for the citizens of the kingdom of God globally.
For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Daniel Pearson