Genie Lee Perron's mother loved to draw clowns. As she struggled with cancer, she drew as a coping mechanism and went to craft shows with her husband to sell her work. It was her dying wish that her daughter get her pieces published.
Perron fulfills her mother's wish with the publication her new book, "Things I Wish my Mother had Said... (or maybe she did)" (published by Balboa Press), a collection of diary entries and essays that reflect Perron's personal advice on life and dealing with cancer, which she herself was diagnosed with soon after her mother's death. Perron's original artwork accompanies the pieces, and the clowns appear in the dedication and on the last page.
"It is my life philosophy, in a nutshell, which highlights coping mechanisms I have used throughout my process of regaining my health after diagnosis," says Perron. "I hope that it is a source of helpful advice for my daughters and anyone else who chooses to read it."
Perron's sage advice comes from the many obstacles she had to overcome. Just after her mother got sick, he dad soon followed. Perron suffered two miscarriages, and her marriage began to fall apart. Finally, Perron was diagnosed with leukemia. Through the many odds stacked against her, Perron found the inner strength to pull herself through and is now happily engaged and has two wonderful daughters.
"We are all going through various ups and downs in life," Perron says, "I want to help people to find healthful ways to cope with struggles and to recognize struggles not as bad things, but as growth opportunities. I see no obstacles, only small detours."
"Things I Wish my Mother had Said... (or maybe she did)"
By Genie Lee Perron
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 56 pages | ISBN 9781452573670
E-Book | 56 pages | ISBN 9781452573687
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Genie Perron, a cancer survivor and mother of two, received her bachelor's degree in education from Bridgewater State Colleg. She is a student of Reiki and other healing arts. She and her family live in beautiful Plymouth, Mass.
Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. - a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, Inc., authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 877-407-4847 today. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter.