Gary Morgenstein's fifth novel, hailed as "1984 Meets Shoeless Joe," is set in 2098, twenty-five years after America has been defeated by Islam. Led by Grandma, a new society has been established based on love, ethics, and honesty.
All acts of patriotism, from flying the flag to singing the National Anthem, are illegal. Social media has been banned. Religion is illegal. Children are now revered, and abortion and the use of contraceptives are capital offenses. Teachers, police, and doctors are the most trusted professions, while the entertainment industry, lawyers, and the banking industry are outlawed.
As A Mound Over Hell opens, baseball is beginning its final season-forever. Led by Puppy Nedick and a band of former baseball greats, the once all-American sport is now synonymous with terrorism and treason. Holograms run the bases for out-of-shape players and attendance averages fifteen spectators per game. The only ballpark left is Amazon, the once-famous Yankee Stadium. But the game becomes a pawn between those who want peace, and those eager for another war.
"The power of speculative fiction is that it allows you to be timely while taking the reader through a window into a nightmarish future," Morgenstein said. "Familiar, yet not. But as humanity has always done under the most terrible of circumstances, ordinary people will find the extraordinary courage to build a better world. Or at least try. For as Grandma says in her First Insight, 'All you need is love.' That and a baseball field."'
Photo: Novelist Gary Morgenstein and TV personality/moderator Timberly Whitfield
discuss the author's new critically acclaimed novel science fiction-baseball A Mound Over Hell at the Down Town Association