Having been on a lifetime quest to understand Christianity to its core and sharing the things he learned with others, author Dr. Garth Hodnett releases "I Believe" (published by Xlibris UK) an English-translated version of AA van Ruler's significant writings, at last making the theologian's profound and revolutionary thoughts available to non-Dutch readers.
"I Believe" gives a modern interpretation and explanation of Christianity for the inquiring mind. The Apostles' Creed is one of the earliest summaries of the Christian faith and is accepted by most forms of Christianity. It is a simple statement of 12 beliefs - each central to Christianity. Each of the 12 statements begin with: "I believe" and is the statement of a certain belief, thus the titular phrase. This book explains the creed in detail using an easy-to-understand but never superficial language.
"This is a particularly engaging book, for anyone who wants to understand Christian thought and gain a deeper appreciation of it," says Hodnett. "It provides a greater understanding of the relevance of Christianity to our everyday life - the importance of life here and now."
Brimming with insight and deep, meaningful thoughts that highlight Christianity and its foundational values, "I Believe" invites readers to reexamine their faith from a renewed perspective and enrich their appreciation of life for its small gifts and simple blessings.
An excerpt from "I Believe:"
Woman could almost be understood to be created more in the image of God than Man, because Woman bears a child (micro-cosmos) in her womb, just as God bears his creation (macro-cosmos) in his Will
"I Believe"
By AA van Ruler, Trans: Garth Hodnett
Softcover | 6x9in | 178 pages | ISBN 9781499096057
E-Book | 178 pages | ISBN 9781499096040
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Garth Daniel Hodnett was born in Johannesburg on December 24, 1968. He studied psychology, philosophy and world religions at the University of the Witwatersrand. He also studied Van Ruler's theology, his honour's and master's degree at Wits and continued in his Th.D. at the University of Stellenbosch. He currently resides in Benoni and runs his own software development business.
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