"The Little Blue Water Dragon" (published by Trafford Publishing), author Garfield Davis' new children's book, informs and teaches readers about tolerance, acceptance and respect.
Seen as different, the Little Blue Water Dragon is banished from the colony by the other dragons. However, this does not stop the Little Blue Water Dragon. Embracing his difference, he sets off on a whimsical, fun-filled adventure to prove that being different is not a bad thing and that his difference can be used as an asset in the world around him.
An excerpt from "The Little Blue Water Dragon":
"Deep within the valley below lived a single little dragon. He was banished from the mountaintop because he was unlike the others. He was born a blue dragon, and worst of all, he did not breathe fire; he sprayed water. Because he was different, the other dragons feared him, and because they did not understand him, they banished hiM. Davis wants all readers, young and old, to see that it is ok to care for someone who is different after reading his book."
"The Little Blue Water Dragon"
By Garfield Davis
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 24 pages | ISBN 9 781466970335
E-Book | 24 pages | ISBN 9 781466970328
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Garfield Davis was born in Jamaica. He came to the U. S. in 1978 at the age of 15. After high school, he served six years in the U. S. Navy and, immediately after, attended the School of Visual Arts. He has worked in the advertising field for 20 years as a layout artist.
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