Escondido CA
Meet Albert Keane, an eccentric multi-millionaire, in the medieval kingdom he created in a completely isolated river valley in the Canadian wilderness. His kingdom has no contact with the modern world, and takes nothing from the modern world not so much as a single clock. Although it has the shape of a fantasy in the Middle Ages with a castle, a saintly king, an evil duke, a prophecy, and an unlikely hero, The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality is really a serious novel about the human predicament.
From April 20 to May 20, Gahan will be discussing his recently published novel, for teens and adults that sends out the message that the past may hold the key to a community that has everything essential for a healthy and happy life. In support of Earth Day, The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality asks the timely question for our age: Does our society need to reconsider the exorbitant price we have paid for the creation of the modern world?
Gahan Hanmer, a nephew of Marlon Brando, enjoyed a colorful career in the theater as actor, director, designer and technician. He speaks French and Spanish, and has a Master of Fine Arts degree from Columbia University.
This book is for everyone who loves action packed fantasy books. Go to
website to follow Gahan's full tour schedule or visit his website
There will be a contest on The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality website.
Some of Gahan Hanmer featured stops are the following:
Fantasy Book Review
The Reading Head
Life as Leels
The Dark Phantom Review
Sci-Fi Fan Letter