It's shouted on the streets: In order to be successful, work-life balance must be attained. Yes, that allusive idea: Balance. All propelled by those words: Get Results. International personal and organizational development consultants Iris Dorreboom and Rudi de Graaf reign in on the value of its strength in their guidebook, "Getting It Done: How to Achieve Results and Accomplish Fulfillment in Work & Life." Through engaging steps and illustrated storyboards with an adventurous flair, they show business professionals how to get results and strike balance through positive relations and cooperation.
Authors Iris Dorreboom and Rudi de Graaf have made it their mission to help business executives propel their connection to their customer through tools they share in their popular webinars. For more information, visit their website.
Their newest publication, "Getting It Done," is a personal and professional guidebook in two parts. The first part pulls the reader into a leading role in a fictional adventure. They'll discover how attitude and interaction affect every result, whether it's navigating a busy street to being interviewed for a job. The second part gives pointed direction on how to mindfully create the best possible personal experience and professional outcome.
About the Authors
Iris Dorreboom and Rudi de Graaf have more than 30 years of experience as personal and organizational development consultants, coaches, and boardroom confidants. Co-founders of Beyond, a niche consultancy firm often chosen as an alternative to big consultancy firms, they live alternately in France and the Netherlands. In France they organize retreats focused on achieving radical results in business, profession, and life through a meaningful approach.