Fremont, California
Fremont Books is pleased to announce the release of 'The Tale of the Wulks', a unique young adult novel from debutant author VK Green. Green's novel examines the quirks and intricacies of the disorder known as autism through the remarkable journey of Rilk, an adolescent autistic young adult from a magical race of beings called Wulks.
The Tale of the Wulks is a coming of age saga set in the modern day United States. When evil threatens to dominate earth and subjugate its citizens, a mixed band of humans and wulks must set forth to confront it. Among them is the unique and autistic Rilk Wulk who discovers the depth of his courage and power as he steps forward to lead his small group of warriors as life and death hang in the balance.
"The Tale of the Wulks represents a solid debut with thrilling adventure that fantasy readers young and old will find captivating", said Jill Allen of The Clarion Review.
"I felt a sense of duty" said Green. "I wanted to show people the world as seen through the eyes of an autistic person. I also wanted to highlight the capabilities of autistics as individuals". The book according to Green is his way of giving something back not only to the autistic community, but to the world. The Tale of the Wulks in now available in paperback and kindle format via Amazon (
Author Profile: V. K. Green is an autistic high school student who has performed at a high academic level with advanced diction, language, and social skills. Currently, one person out of every eighty-eight people is autistic and Green's book is his attempt to sensitize the society towards their condition. Green is set to graduate in 2014 and currently lives in Fremont, California, with his family.
Email: vkgreen(at)fremontbooks(dot)com