Zondervan has announced the acquisition of One Light Still Shines: My Life Beyond the Shadow of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting (ISBN: 978-0-310-33675-4; October 1, 2013). In October of 2006, a lone gunman entered an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania, shot ten schoolgirls, and then turned the gun on himself. It was an unimaginable tragedy that gripped the entire nationbut one story from that horrific day has yet to be told. Now Marie Roberts Monville, the wife of the man who created such horror, tells her story for the very first time. Unbelievably, hers is a not simply a story of sorrow and destruction, but also one of majestic deliverance, unending compassion, breathtaking forgiveness, and grace-filled redemption.
Within one solitary moment, Marie Monville realized that life, as she knew it, was over. What she never anticipated was a tangible encounter with God reaching into her circumstances, rewriting all she believed about herself, her faith, and the God she thought she knew. One Light Still Shines reveals three love stories: the innocent love of a devoted wife for a husband in pain, the incomprehensible love of God in the aftermath of massacre and destruction, and the redemptive love available to everyone, waiting to unfold in the life of every person who reads this book. Monville's journey since that darkest of days has been invaded with light which shines through these pages into the darkest questions we all facequestions about our past, our value, our identity, and own powerlessness. Come face to face with the power behind every answera love that begs to be received.
"In the years since the Amish schoolhouse shooting, a limitless God has extravagantly filled my life with love. In the first moments of the tragedy, when I knew my life was unraveling and I was helpless to stop the pull that removed stitch after stitch, I felt the presence of Christ in a way I had never known before deeper, closer, stronger. The past seven years have contained indescribable beauty and undeniable joy in the midst of intense obstacles, which at first, seemed too large to overcome.
"Now it is time to share what He has done. The years since my darkest day have deepened love's flavor and solidified the message within. They have proven that God keeps His promises. In the days following the shooting I could've only talked about the places of seeming defeat within my life. God redeemed my life, breathing hope to the hopeless, healing to the broken and freedom to the captive. This is the story I now share," says Monville.
The book was acquired by Sandra Vander Zicht for Zondervan. Wes Yoder of Ambassador Agency serves as the literary agent. A robust national marketing and publicity campaign are planned for the launch.
"From the very first moment I started talking with Zondervan, it felt like home. Their mission (meeting the needs of people with resources that glorify Jesus Christ) resonated with who I am and what is of utmost importance to me. I felt protected, knowing that they would not come at me from the side of 'exploiting my story' but instead knew that they would be sensitive towards my life experiences while helping me reach others with the life-changing love of Christ," says Monville of the partnership.
Vice President and Publisher Tracy Danz shares, "The opening line of Marie's book says, 'I'd like to tell you a love story.' I don't think anyone who is familiar with the Nickel Mines Amish schoolhouse shooting would think love story. But, that's exactly why this story needs to be told and precisely why Marie is the perfect person to deliver a message of hope for any who might be suffering, regardless of how tragic. We are honored and humbled to publish this book and look forward to the tremendous impact we know it will have."
Monville concludes, "I want to invite the reader into my story, knowing that we all have places of similar brokenness regardless of circumstance. God longs for a deep and intimate relationship with each one of his children. My heart beats to share this love with others, knowing that if He did it for me, He will do it for them. I hope the reader will view their circumstances differently, through the lens of expectancy looking for God to breathe joy upon the places they need it most and would otherwise expect it least."