Former California Highway Patrol officer, Jim Perkins tells the thrilling story of how a father-son team work to solve a murder mystery in his new novel The Wine Red Road.
Perkins draws on his experiences as a former highway patrol officer in order to give more depth and realism to his work of fiction. He uses his insider knowledge of the inner workings of law enforcement in order to show readers the fine line that separates cops from crime.
"Cops are capable of straying across the line from the good guys to bad guys as easily as anyone else," said Perkins. "Wearing a uniform, gun and badge should hold them to a higher standard, but it often doesn't."
After leaving the Highway Patrol, Perkins began to work as a journalist, which also inspired portions of his novel. The narrator's father is a journalist and after listening to a police scanner the father-son team respond to a call about a vehicle crash, which turns into a murder investigation. The son learns many things about himself as he comes of age during the crime investigation.
As the plot unfolds, the son begins to truly appreciate the importance of the relationship he has with his father. Perkins chose to emphasize this relationship because he wants readers to understand that sons need strong role models in their life and that there is no substitute for a father.
Perkins also highlights the importance of a relationship with God through the son's narration. The son discovers that a lack of spiritual grounding is at the root of the crime that they are investigating and that the presence of God in his life has allowed him to develop and sustain healthy, positive relationships.
"It is my belief that is important for young men to get to know God in order to develop good character," said Perkins. "This murder mystery also explore the many facets of love and commitment required to make a relationship, any relationship, last."
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Jim Perkins is a former California Highway Patrol officer. After leaving the Patrol, he worked as a journalist in a variety of roles from reporter to editor. The Wine Red Road is Perkins' second novel. He resides in the Pacific Northwest.