Set in 1920s New York, 'Island' follows 12-year-old Piper Houdini as the life she once knew turns on its head. After meeting a man who claims to be her father, she is sent to live with her uncle, who turns out to be renowned magician Harry Houdini. When she settles into her new home and starts to learn about her enigmatic past, a menacing force begins wreaking havoc on New York, killing sideshow freaks. Slowly piecing her life together, Piper Houdini must face this evil and attempt to defeat it once and for all.
"This book is perfect for folks who are looking to fill the void left by 'Harry Potter,'" the author said. "And maybe readers will wind up learning a thing or two about a fascinating time in U.S. history."
"'Piper Houdini: Apprentice of Coney Island' is a thoroughly amazing adventure that will capture the imaginations of readers ages 8 to 80," a reviewer wrote about the book. "Mr. Herdling's research into the language, fashions and tropes of the roaring '20s should be applauded."
An action-packed thriller for teens and adults alike, "Piper Houdini: Apprentice of Coney Island" will make readers want to try out a few magic tricks themselves.
"Piper Houdini: Apprentice of Coney Island"
By Glenn Herdling
ISBN: 978-1-5043-4972-7 (softcover); 978-1-5043-4974-1 (hardcover); 978-1-5043-4973-4 (electronic)
Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the author
Glenn Herdling is an author currently living in River Vale, N.J. He is a former writer and editor with Marvel Comics, having written and overseen The Adventures of Spider-Man, The Avengers and Deadpool, to name a few. For more information, please visit his website.
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