Join lifelong American citizen, Tea Party member, and author, Myron Cherry, as he presents his collection of original ideas and anecdotes accumulated throughout the many experiences of his life in his book, You Are a Racist!!!! and other works.
From racism to money to government issues, Cherry uses his personal knowledge paired with the current state of the United States to explain certain issues.
Some of the original concepts and issues that are discussed in the book include the crumble factor, downshifters, bureaucratic operations, real money, the monetary frame of reference, and the idea that inflation is a "stealth tax."
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You Are A Racist!!!! and other works
By: Myron Cherry
ISBN: 978-1-46342-444-2
Paperback: $9.95
Available at,, and
About the author
Myron Cherry is a lifelong American citizen and Tea Party member that has experienced many different times and changes in the United States. Myron Cherry began his financial career by starting a newspaper route in his hometown at the age of seven. Once Cherry was a bit older, he received a degree in music and began teaching in one-room country schools. Soon after he joined the U.S. Air Force and then started his engineering studies. Upon graduation, Cherry took an engineering position at a well-known research institution in New York. He later taught engineering at the college level. His engineering training and research experience are used in his original approach to analysis that finds many commonplace assumptions flawed. His conclusions are often shocking, but thought provoking. Cherry has several publications and patents and he currently resides in his solar house in New Mexico.