In support of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, October each year, a division of Paradise Publishers Inc., is releasing free digital copies of "I Trusted Him: The True Story of Anna Lynn Hurd." This thought-provoking book on teen dating violence, reveals the months and days leading up to the gruesome death of an innocent teenage girl, Anna Lynn Hurd. (Source: WJON,June 25, 2013: The Associated Press June 25, 2013,
It was a murder that surprised and shocked a quiet suburb of Northern St. Paul, Minnesota. All the warning signs were there. However, so were all the typical abuser tricks. Attempts to 'control' her disguised as pleas to lovingly spend every waking second with her. Foreboding signs, like not evenletting her go to the bathroom alone, out of fear that she'd text someone else, unfortunately went unnoticed. Many admitted to witnessing these 'jealous' outbursts but often dismissed them as 'normal' teen behavior. Honest attempts in believing the best for both Anna Lynn and her boyfriend created the perfect recipe for a tragic ending which cost Anna Lynn Hurd her life.
Written by Jennifer Smith (Anna Lynn Hurd's mother) and co-authored by Cherry Tigris (an advocate for child abuse survivors), readers will find themselves caught in the perfect storm of circumstances brought on by young teenage romance gone wrong and a society that refuses to hold anyone accountable for anything.
The ebook version is available for free, as a download at starting October 1, 2013. Anna's story is shared as both a cautionary tale and to raise awareness of dating violence, intimate partner homicide and other critical issues worldwide to break the vicious domestic violence cycle. is a 'Social Publishing' site from Paradise Publishers Inc. Foboko's goal is to help independent writers share and publish their story. It provides support and resources to easily self-publish, promote and profit from writing. Paradise Publishers Inc. is a U.S. based global, online publisher of both fiction and non-fiction books. It distributes digital eBooks at no cost via and