Oprah Winfrey. J.K. Rowling. Vera Wang. Marilyn Monroe. What do these successful and influential women have in common? They are women who failed before they succeeded. While the women who have achieved such celebrated status are few, those who have gone through similar inspiring life transformations abound; and among them is Sarah Tauber, the author who debuted with a genuine revelation in "For Dear Life."
For the first time, Sarah unveils the most intimate, and probably the most challenging, phase of her life. "For Dear Life" recounts the story of a young American woman who temporarily lived for two years with her husband and their young child in Tehran, Iran's showcase and capital city boasting a wealth of cultural attractions. With a workaholic husband having little time or attention for his bride, she became involved with an Iranian man.
Although infidelity may be taboo, it is a timeless issue that both men and women have struggled with. What is rather alarming is the data from the National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey, which states that: "The percentage of wives having affairs rose almost 40 percent during the last two decades to 14.7 percent in 2010, while the number of men admitting to extramarital affairs held constant at 21 percent..."
As the survey revealed, Sarah's affair was something many women may have experienced. Yet, it was Sarah's humble admission and firm decision to address her past that truly healed, defined and transformed her into a credible example for women today. Writing a story that most of her family and friends were unaware of was one of the catharsis that she needed to turn her life around. Today, it is this same story that offers women the gift of hope and encouragement.
Raw, real and radically uplifting, "For Dear Life" is a powerful story that runs the gamut of human emotion - happiness, sadness, fear, love, agony, remorse and eventual joy. Sarah may not be as influential as Oprah, Rowling, Vera or Marilyn, but the humility and the great strength of character that she shares with these women, as evidenced in her story, will truly earn her a special, influential place in reader's hearts.
"The choices you make in life have consequences, some ripple out to encompass other lives. You can overcome the bad choices, make better ones, and ultimately be happy again," says Sarah, speaking encouragingly to every woman's heart.
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About the Author
After a long and successful corporate career, Sarah Tauber recently retired to pursue her passion for horseback riding. Throughout her life, she has travelled and lived in many parts of the world. With so many stories to tell, it became important for her to share parts of her life that family and friends knew little or nothing about. "For Dear Life" is a memoir covering the two years she lived in Tehran, Iran and experienced the most challenging time of her life. Sarah resides in Fallbrook with her husband of nine years. She has two grown sons and five grandsons.
For Dear Life * by Sarah Tauber
Publication Date: December 23, 2013
Trade Paperback; $19.99; 130 pages; 978-1-4931-4894-3
Trade Hardback; $29.99; 130 pages; 978-1-4931-4895-0
e-book; $3.99; 978-1-4931-4896-7
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