"Ronald The Grump: A Contemporary Fairytale for Adults" by Richard S. Arthurson chosen as Medalist Winner in the E-Book General Fiction category of the New Apple Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.
Book Synopsis
Written and created by a 72 year-old senior and illustrated by a 24 year-old Millennial this contemporary fairy tale for adults is a parable about our recent presidential election. The citizens of the magical land of Angelica on the planet Thera run out of seeds due to Ogres hoarding 90% of them. A mutant orange Ogre, Ronald the Grump, tries to persuade the citizens of Angelica to let him lead the land to make things better for ordinary Angelicansthrough hate, selfishness, lies and anger. A caring Angelican female arises who challenges Ronald the Grump and says the way to make things better is by Angelicans working together. Who prevails and what happens is told in words and illustrations, with a "choose your own" ending. In addition to its New Apple Medalist win, "Ronald the Grump" also won a Bronze Medal at the Readers Favorites International Book Awards.
About the Author
Richard S. Arthurson is a successful columnist, writer, businessman, teacher and entrepreneur whose articles, columns and chapters have appeared in numerous magazines, newspapers and books over many years under various names. His most recent book, "Ronald the Grump," was #1 in short fiction on Amazon in both Humor and in Politics. He is completing a number of other books, including a guide to surviving Trump, a metaphysical science fiction novel about beings from other dimensions who come to Earth, and a mystery novel set in the Netherlands in 1904 featuring a police inspector who solves crimes with the help of his friends in their local barbershop.
About the New Apple Book Awards
The Annual New Apple Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing was established to honor the creative achievements of the unsung self-published books fighting for their place among the more than one million books released annually. Any English language book published within the last three years, currently available for sale by an independent author or small press that met the Awards' guidelines was eligible for entry. One book was chosen in each category as the Medalist Winner receiving the highest honors. In addition, the judges were permitted to choose up to three Official Selections for category distinction. A complete list of winners can be found at http://NewAppleLiterary.com/2016Awards/2016awardsCat00.html
Contact Information
"Ronald The Grump" is available in Kindle E-Book format on Amazon. To find out more about the New Apple Book Awards, visit http://NewAppleLiterary.com
"Ronald The Grump: A Contemporary Fairytale for Adults"
Author: Richard S. Arthurson
Illustrator: Elizabeth Austerlitz
Publishing House: Risarth Publishing, LLC
Amazon: http://getBook.at/RonaldGrump
Richard S. Arthurson is available for public appearances, signings, interviews and blog tours. Contact the author at richardsarthurson@gmail.com
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