Author and astrology expert Laura Andrikopoulos helps readers create an action plan for locating their perfect match using information from their astrological chart in her new guidebook "Finding a Soul Mate with Astrology" (published by Balboa Press).
"The astrological chart is a rich source of information on our unique energy pattern," Andrikopoulos explains. "In working creatively with the knowledge we find there we are able to raise our vibration of attraction; in this state we are able to attract a soul-mate, someone whose vibration is a match for our own uniqueness."
An excerpt from "Finding a Soul Mate with Astrology":
"The universe is a huge vibrating energy system and you attract people and things into your life based on your energy frequency. When you are vibrating at your highest level, totally in tune with your real self, you easily attract the perfect partner for this particular state of your life. The question then becomes, how can I reach my highest level of vibration, and how can I become my true self? To some extent this is a lifetime's work, as we are all on a journey of spiritual progress and growth. However, life has given use a wonderful tool in which to learn our true nature more easily: this tool is astrology."
"The astrological chart is a highly complex map, totally unique and personal to you, laying out your inner dynamics," Andrikopoulos writes. "It is a fascinating world of personal exploration, and if you work creatively with the knowledge contained within it, you can expand and improve your life immensely."
"Finding a Soul Mate with Astrology"
By Laura Andrikopoulos
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 182 pages | ISBN 9781452567419
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 182 pages | ISBN 9781452567396
E-Book | 180 pages | ISBN 9781452567402
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Laura Andrikopoulos is a professional astrologer from England and holds a master's degree in cultural astronomy and astrology from the University of Wales. She is president of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, one of the world's oldest and most prestigious schools of astrology, and maintains a busy astrological practice. Andrikopoulos is also the author of the Short Guides to Serious Astrology series: "Beginnings," "Birth-chart Case Studies," "Transits," "Forecasting Your Year" and "Relationships." She lives with her family in Birmingham, England. More information can be found at
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