Over the past ten years FABLES has captured the hearts and minds of readers in an ever-expanding magical universe that spans numerous titles, series and formats. Snow White, Bigby Wolf, Frau Totenkinder, Little Boy Blue and Jack Frost are just some of the popular cast who appear in 17 Volumes; the graphic novel 1001 Nights of Snowfall; the spin-off series Jack of Fables, Cinderella and now, Fairest; and the prose novel, Peter and Max.
This November, Bigby Wolf will finally get his own original graphic novel with FABLES: WEREWOLVES OF THE HEARTLAND! The next chapter in the New York Times bestselling, Hugo Award nominated, multiple Eisner Award-winning series is written by Fable's creator Bill Willingham with art by Jim Fern (Jack of Fables), Craig Hamilton (Fables, Absolute Sandman), Ray Snyder (52), Mark Farmer (Animal Man) and cover by Daniel Dos Santos (Peter and Max).Bigby Wolf's adventure begins as he heads west looking for a location where he can start a new Fabletown. Somewhere in Iowa, he stumbles onto a small town named Story City populated solely by ... werewolves. Not Fables but also not Mundy's (Fable-speak for regular, mundane, people), these werewolves, who are connected to Bigby in more ways than one, know and revere him like a god. So why are they trying to kill him? The only thing that's certain is that this is the most horrific and action-packed Fables story to date!Videos