Goulet spent more than 25 years in therapy to heal from the abusive behaviors of several alcohol- and drug-addicted family members and losing her father and two brothers to suicide. Through therapeutic interventions, Reiki energy medicine and Shamanic healing, Goulet was able to establish coping skills to assist her in moving beyond her pain to find healing and peace.
"I wrote this book at 78 years old after I realized how the healthy changes I made in my life brought healing to my body, mind and spirit," Goulet said. "I wanted to share the traumas I experienced in my life and the methods I used to become my authentic self in hopes that others who face similar challenges may also overcome them."
Now 80 years old, Goulet currently works as a registered nurse in a community health center's detox and mental health units and hopes to reach out to those who have mental health issues or are recovering from alcohol or drug addiction as well as the loved ones of addicts through her story. A raw account of the destructive nature of addiction, "Creating a Wholesome Human Being" offers readers a glimpse into the process of healing and achieving spiritual growth in the wake of tragedy.
"Creating a Wholesome Human Being"
By Monique Goulet
ISBN: 978-1-5043-7579-5 (paperback); 978-1-5043-7580-1 (electronic)
Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore and Amazon
About the author
Monique Goulet is a registered nurse specializing in addiction and mental health issues, a Shaman Healer and a Reiki Master. In her free time, Goulet enjoys traveling, yoga, walking, swimming, golfing, writing and facilitating self-empowerment, grief, inner child and trauma groups. She currently resides in Fort Pierce, Fla. To learn more, please visit http://www.claudettebetty.com.
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LAVIDGE - Phoenix
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480-998-2600 x 557
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