Budapest, Hungary
Excellency Ernest Nyáry, archbishop of Baghdad, through his family and fatherland carried rich human and cultural heritages. The historical events that took place around him, the fate of his family, his internal motivations searching his mission is outlined an extraordinary walk of life for him. He always found his place and the possibility to live for God.
"A Moment from Eternity" (published by Xlibris) is author Eva Nyary's newest work that follows her uncle's fantastic life relying on the documents at her disposal, many original quotations, and contemporary descriptions with historic fidelity. This unordinary story is completed by the archive photos of the legacy.
This book is about a scion of an ancient noble family who made extraordinary way and experienced many extraordinary situations. Archbishop Ernest Nyáry has met many decisive personalities of his time. He has kept his Hungarian roots, although he has suffered the storms of history as all his family. He has preserved his faith for what he sacrificed for in life in the service of the church. He wanted to serve in Jesus' manner and became a member and leader of a Carmelite convent where he got the opportunity to hide refugees and save lives while risking his own life.
"This book presents a simple but rich life that opens before us, not spared by wars, separation and misery," says the author, "Reading about Archbishop Ernest Nyáry's struggles, we are seized by the serene joy of life and love of life that only a pious life can bear taking its roots in God and Jesus Christ."
"A Moment from Eternity"
By Eva Nyary
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 110 pages | ISBN 9781499038460
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 110 pages | ISBN 9781499038477
E-Book | 110 pages | ISBN 9781499038453
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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