Epiphany Publishing House
"Children in Rage" Book Tour 2011-2012
National Author - Janice Higgins There Were No Parents Here (Series)Phoenix native, Evangelist Janice Higgins is a Community Activist; Motivational Coach and founder of Project R.A.G.E. Release Anger & Guilt for Empowerment, a non - profit organization concerned with coaching young people and their parents on how to deal with anger and guilt through positive and empowering experiences. Higgins is also the National Best Selling and award winning Author of a series of books, There Were No Parents Here, that chronicle the events of her life that lead her to incarceration at the CCWF, the largest women's detention center in the California, and her eventual redemption. Her 20 yrs clean and sober; created a community partnership, of turning negative behavior into positive behavior. A member of Soroptimist of Foothills: Making a difference in young women's lives. Voluntarily meet monthly with C.A.S.E. (Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation). Higgins is a survivor of human trafficking and sexual exploitation as a teen.