Yiddish culture professor Emanuel Goldsmith and translator Barnett Zumoff collaborates to bring the first anthology of Yiddish literature to the English-reading audience. "Yiddish Literature In America 1870-2000" (published by Xlibris) is a collection of fiction, essays and poetry from almost a century and a half of rich Yiddish cultural explosion and literary evolution.
The book features works from many well known Yiddish authors, such as Sholem Aleichem, Moris Rozenfeld, Dovid Edelshtat, Avrom Reyzen and Sholem Ash. It also introduces many lesser known but equally wonderful authors including Reyzl Zikhlinski, Dora Teytlboym and Rashel Veprinsky among others. Interestingly, the majority of these Yiddish works were written by authors living in America, though they had been born in Europe. Their works have been diligently compiled by distinguished historian of Yiddish culture professor Emanuel S. Goldsmith who published, in Yiddish, a magnificent two-volume anthology of this American Yiddish literature some years ago. Now, Barnett Zumoff and his collaborators have taken into themselves the colossal task of translating the entirety of that work in its current three-volume format.
"Finally, an anthology of Yiddish poetry, prose and essays that introduces the English reader to the richness of Yiddish literature in America," author Sheva Zucker says, to which, Columbia University professor Jeremy Dauber adds, "An indispensable compendium, filled with treasures reflecting brilliant encounters between Old World and New."
The first of its kind, "Yiddish Literature In America 1870-2000" fills a great void in the diverse literary puzzle of American culture. It opens a whole new world of thought and seeks to keep the Yiddish culture alive.
"Yiddish Literature In America 1870-2000"
By Barnett Zumoff
Hardcover | 6x9in | 588 pages | ISBN 9781503559806
Softcover | 6x9in | 588 pages | ISBN 9781503559813
E-Book | 588 pages | ISBN 9781503559790
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Barnett Zumoff is an internationally renowned teacher and researcher in the field of endocrinology, who has published 250 papers in that field. He currently holds the title of Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. In addition to these accomplishments in the field of medicine, he has had a long and productive career in the field of Yiddish cultural activity. He was longtime president of the Forward Association and the Workmen's Circle, and is currently president of the Congress for Jewish Culture and vice president of the Jewish National Theatre-Folksbiene. He has published 21 books of translation from Yiddish literature.
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