The classic tale "The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha," a humorous book by Miguel Cervantes, levels hidden criticism at society, aristocracy and the clergy. This is one of the premises upon which author Emre Gurgen his new book, "Don Quixote Explained: The Story of an Unconventional Hero" (published by AuthorHouse).
Gurgen uses Cervantes' novel as a lens through which to view modern society. Poring over the book, he analyzes the themes of Christian-Muslim bonding; freedom of thought and speech; religious purity versus tolerant agnosticism; and much more. Looking at characters such as Sancho Panzo or Juan Palomeque, Gurgen sees them as representations of moral and ethical principles.
"Don Quixote Explained" has had the honor of being sold at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Gurgen has presented his unique interpretation of "Don Quixote" at the 41st International Symposium of Hispanic Literatures. He has interviewed several top scholars and notable figures to learn more about Cervantes and the culture of "Don Quixote."
Gerald J. Davis, author of "Don Quixote: The New Translation" describes the book as, "An erudite examination of the themes and ideas in Don Quixote. I thoroughly enjoyed the writing and exposition of this well-reasoned critique." He urges others to buy it and study it.
"Don Quixote Explained"
By Emre Gurgen
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 284 pages | ISBN 9781481700962
E-Book | 284 pages | ISBN 9781481700955
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Emre Gurgen, a first generation U.S. citizen fully fluent in Turkish, has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Penn State and was a master's candidate in literature at American University in Washington D.C. He worked as a legal assistant at DuBoff and Associates before becoming a freelance paralegal following his certification from Georgetown University and the National Federation of Paralegal Associations. More information about Gurgen or "Don Quixote Explained" can be found at
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