In a charming new graphic novel, young readers meet Waluk, a young polar bear who wakes up one morning to find himself alone. His mother has abandoned him, as is the way of polar bears, and now he must fend for himself. But he doesn't know much about the world-and unfortunately, his Arctic world is changing quickly. The ice is melting, and food is hard to find.
Luckily, Waluk meets Manitok, a wise old bear with missing teeth and a bad sense of smell. Manitok knows many survival tricks, and he teaches Waluk about seals, foxes, changing seasons, and-when Manitok is caught in a trap-human beings. Has Waluk learned enough from his friend to find a way to save him?
Published by Graphic Universe, an imprint of Lerner Publishing Group, Waluk seamlessly blends scientific facts with a warm, humorous animal adventure. As readers join Waluk on his journey across the tundra, they will learn about animal habitats and environmental issues, brought to life by vivid illustrations and by the endearing, relatable polar bear at the heart of this beginner's graphic novel.
About the Author
Emilio Ruiz was born in Spain in 1960 and has worked in photography, advertising, and design. He has collaborated with Ana Miralles on several graphic novels.
About the Illustrator
Ana Miralles, born in Madrid in 1959, has been a professional comics and magazine illustrator since 1982. She has also worked as designer, backdrop artist, and storyboarder. She has illustrated graphic novels for both the Spanish and French markets. She received the Grand Prize of the Salón de Barcelona 2009 in recognition of her long career in the world of comics.
About the Publisher
Graphic Universe, a division of Lerner Publishing Group, creates high-interest fiction and nonfiction titles through supreme graphic novel artwork and story lines created by experienced artists of this genre.
October 2013
$26.60, Reinforced
Library Binding
$7.95, Paperback
LB: 978-1-4677-1598-0
PB: 978-1-4677-1606-2
Ages 7-11
56 Pages ? 11 7/16 x 8 1/4
eBook also available
To Purchase: Visit your local bookstore, order by phone at 800-328-4929, or visit
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