The poems cover a range of subjects related to music, organized into three sections: "The Honey Thing," (relationships); "Mood Alteration," (substance abuse and shifts in emotion); and "Write a Song About It," (the music business and its relationship to other aspects of life). Each poem departs in its own unique ways from rock and roll, its lyrics, and its history.
Susana H. Case is a professor at the New York Institute of Technology. Prior published work includes The Scottish Café (Slapering Hol Press), Anthropologist In Ohio (Main Street Rag Publishing Company), The Cost Of Heat (Pecan Grove Press), Manual of Practical Sexual Advice (Kattywompus Press), and Salem In Séance (WordTech Editions). Please visit her online at: ($15, April 2013, 80pp, 9X6″, 7 illustrations, Poetry, ISBN: 978-1-937536-36-7, LCCN: 2012955068)Videos