In her highly informative new book, "Ai Li Goes to School" (published by Xlibris), author Eleanor Liu provides readers with detailed information about schools in China, as well as its holidays and culture. It illuminates the importance of education and reveals how the parents and children of today's society feel about it.
This book thoroughly discusses the intricacies and aspects of China's educational system. It reveals their methods, practices and academic programs that mold the minds of their students. It strives to reveal to people how important education is and how it, directly and indirectly, affects society as a whole. Having taught in China for quite some time, author Liu takes from her experience to share to readers a unique perspective about the similarities and differences of the world of Chinese schooling.
Insightful and comprehensive, "Ai Li Goes to School" aims to provide reads with a better understanding of China and its people.
"Ai Li Goes to School"
By Eleanor Liu
Hardcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 26 pages | ISBN 9781503536456
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 26 pages | ISBN 9781503536463
E-Book | 26 pages | ISBN 9781503536470
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Eleanor Liu was born in Alabama but grew up in Tennessee. She is a graduate of David Liipscomb College in Nashville, Tennessee, and of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She has been an elementary teacher in Indiana and Taiwan and has taught university students in Changsha and Beijing, China. Liu has been active in teachers' organizations and several international groups. Her articles for teachers' magazines and a book have been published. She volunteers and teaches Tai Chi Chuan at the YWCA in Topeka, Kansas. In Beijing, she leads a group-Tuesday Trotters-on visits to historical sites and is a member of the Beijing International Society. She and her husband have two children, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
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