"The Willow Tree," by Elan Carson is set to hit the shelves on January 20th, 2014. A harrowing story of relentless sexual abuse, it tracks the life of Emma, whose stormy relationship with an abusive stepfather causes her mother to slip into deep depression. Emma's struggle to connect with the world around her throws her life into turbulence.
This book is for fans of realistic, gritty fiction and is available for pre-order on paperback from Amazon now, at http://goo.gl/8Hrf4V.
Elan Carson started writing at the age of six, and such emotive prose as begins her new book show a rising talent:
"All that I had learned to love I had lost, and the precision of the misfortune that had snatched everything from my fingers seemed to hold there...paused...as if waiting to seize another ember of something good. The ghoulish heartbreak-rapidly beating chests, sullen cheeks, and sickly morning sunlight-everything was always out of place after he left my bedroom."
Disheartened as a child when disqualified from an elementary writing competition for cheating-the judges didn't believe someone so young had written such an impressive story-Elan has matured into a first class storyteller.
Book lovers can read the first chapter of "The Willow Tree" at the official website at http://www.thewillowtreebyelan.com/.