Man has always sought an answer to the ultimate question, which asks: "Why Are We Here?" The value of human life, the dynamic interplay of good and evil that comes with existence, all these constitute the divine mystery that has perplexed many throughout the ages, among them author Edwin C. Talbot. Through prayer, he has found the answer, given to him by God, which he now shares to readers everywhere.
There are pivotal times in history when an unknown writer will produce something that will turn general thinking upside down. Talbot's book outlines the reason and purpose that God created the universe and humanity's role in it. His work will challenge readers' preconceptions and perhaps cause them to review contemporary and mainstream perceptions in this regard. Talbot unapologetically establishes God's authority over this world and the next, and provides the reason for why humanity is here and the purpose for it all.
Through his book, Talbot shares to his readers what has been shown to him through prayer. The answers provided in the pages of Why Are We Here? have brought closure and peace to him in his life and now he passes this on to others.
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About the Author
Edwin C. Talbot is South African-born and a dedicated Christian. He moved to Australia and worked in the Lift industry. Every day he sought the Lord's Face and His will for his life. During his Christian walk he asked God three questions, and this book is the answer to the second.
Why Are We Here? * by Edwin C Talbot
Publication Date: May 8, 2013
Trade Paperback; AU$19.99; 49 pages; 978-1-4836-3743-3
Trade Hardback; AU$39.99; 49 pages; 978-1-4836-3744-0
Ebook; AU$3.99; 978-1-4836-3745-7
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