Edward "Tex" Harris comes out strong with his stance on the need for his fellow citizens to understand the things going on around them. Through the "Cornbread Chronicles" (published by Xlibris), he walks readers to be open to change when things do not work around them. Comparing the need for political and economic change, he uses the analogy of making cornbread to better illustrate his point.
From the book's back cover:
Making cornbread-some buttermilk, about a full drinking glass of it, four handfuls white cornmeal, salt, plenty of red or black pepper, baking powder, about a spoonful, maybe less. Put all this into a quart Mason jar. Add an egg if you like but be careful breaking. Bits of shell add texture but alarm females. And it continues like that, which illustrates the beauty of cornbread: You can make it a dozen different ways, using the ingredients you've got on hand, and it's pretty hard to mess it up. Make it for breakfast or dinner. My analogy for developing political and economic change. You need the right ingredients, the right preparations, and a good cook for change.
Harris writes this analysis to move readers to get out there and "get more involved in politics and their local community." He urges each and everyone to gain control before they eventually lose their own position in politics in their very own communities. He explains why the battle must be fought and that everyone's battle includes the fight for education, jobs and justice for everyone.
"Cornbread Chronicles"
By Edward "Tex" Harris
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 252 pages | ISBN 9781514487853
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 252 pages | ISBN 9781514487860
E-Book | 252 pages | ISBN 9781514487877
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Edward "Tex" Harris wants to share some of the local history, politics, and humor of South Dallas with the world.
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