"Make it a better world than when you found it." Unfortunately, not everyone has this attitude when it comes to the environment.
Educator Michael Middleton, formerly a geophysicist and a national television program writer, sees the "big picture" when it comes to Earth's natural resources.
His varied professional background has given him an exceptional perspective on humanity, the environment and life itself: the driving force behind his new novel, "The Edge of Time."
"Few people have a long term and broad-scale view of life on Earth," Middleton says. "And even fewer are concerned about the long term consequences of the lifestyles and aspirations humans take for granted."
Portraying Earth from an "outsider's" point of view, "The Edge of Time" highlights the harmful effects humanity has had on the environment over time. We as humans carelessly exploit natural resources and solely focus on the "here and now."
Following a group of dynamic characters on their individual paths through life, Middleton's new novel contemplates the interconnectedness of humanity and the natural world, reminding readers of the uniqueness and wonder of life on Earth.
"The Edge of Time" by Michael Middleton
ISBN: 978-1-47976-193-7
Available at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and middletonsedgeoftime.com