In "The Right Place at the Right Time: Stories from a Life in Education," Curtis Connaughty tells the story of his life as an educator, while his small village grew into a city of nearly 70,000 people. His small school began with only a baseball and a basketball team. Connaughty started a track and a football program, which brought home 10 state championships and became one of the best teams in the state.
"Our students rank in the top level in Minnesota, which is known for quality education," Connaughty said. "I have spent 62 years in this community, participating in activities, educating and watching it grow. The change is nothing short of remarkable and an important one to share."
A U.S. Army veteran, Connaughty has spent his life serving his community and contributing to its immense growth. He has influenced many students and athletes and enjoys helping others discover their passions and paths in life.
"This book is not just about my story," Connaughty said. "It's about student life and various things that happen to young people trying to determine what kind of adults they want to be. But, youth can always surprise you with their accomplishments."
"The Right Place at the Right Time"
By Curtis Connaughty
ISBN: 978-1-5320-1658
Available at iUniverse and Amazon
About the author
Curtis Connaughty lives in Eden Prairie, Minn., with his wife, Mary. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and graduated college with a Bachelor of Science degree before being hired to teach. He taught biology, industrial arts and physical education in the Eden Prairie School District from 1955 to 1969, and then served as assistant principal from 1969 until his retirement in 1986. Connaughty started their football program in 1957 and was the head coach. In 1958, he started the track program and coached until 1969. Connaughty and his wife have five adult children, who all graduated from Eden Prairie High School, while their dad was a teacher and administrator. For more information about Connaughty or his book, visit
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LAVIDGE - Indianapolis
Lindsey Gobel