Elizabeth Eagan-Cox, known for her Shannon Delaney cozy mystery series, decided last year to switch to writing paranormal novelettes. Her newest addition to her writing bookshelf is a collection of three of her most popular novelettes: Hungry Ghost, River Ghost, and Winter's Ghost. Each novelette averages 14,500 words. These three cozy paranormal mysteries are boxed under the title: Haunted Mysteries; Paranormal Mystery Novelette Collection. Eagan-Cox explains: "Ending my Shannon Delaney full-length novel series was based on health issues, which I detailed on my blog site. Not wanting to abandon the concept of writing cozy-styled paranormal mysteries, I decided on the idea of penning a collection of novelettes. Each novelette is a stand-alone mystery with characters and locations different in each title. In an exclusive contract with Amazon Kindle, the first collection, called Haunted Mysteries, is ready for autumn reading, which I feel is the ideal time of year, since the mysteries in the novelettes take place in autumn and winter."