In "Expectation Therapy: Mastering Your Expectations" (published by Balboa Press), author and mindset expert Art Costello teaches readers how to recognize the connection between their expectations and achievements.
"I came to the realization that my expectations are what have driven my life after the death of my wife of 35 years," says Costello. "It's not about what expectations we place upon ourselves or by others, but how we react to them. We face our expectations in two ways: faith or fear."
Costello explains that modern society directly affects one's expectations. The author cites the Islamic State group and the war on terror as an example of a mechanism used to control citizens: "ISIS wants to control the world and assert its dominance, no different than Hitler, slavery or any other form of mass control."
Ultimately, "Expectation Therapy" aims to help readers regain control of their expectations, proposing that expectations are the root of being.
"Expectation Therapy"
By Art Costello
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 122 pages | ISBN 9781504355513
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 122 pages | ISBN 9781504355506
E-Book | 122 pages | ISBN 9781504355520
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Art Costello lives in Austin with his wife, Beverly, and their dog, Hazel. His family includes three adult children, their spouses and five grandchildren. He served in Vietnam as a Marine, played baseball to a semi-pro level, worked in psychology and in the entertainment industry, and was a business owner for more than 30 years. As a counselor at Mercy Mental Health in San Diego, he worked with world-renowned "play" researcher, Dr. Stuart Brown. Costello's lifelong quest has been to identify and put into action God's plan for him, learning from every encounter and experience his 68 years on earth has presented. More information is available at
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