Rockin' n' rollin' its way to the top 1% of book sales, Elvis the Penguin sold 308 books in its first month. The storybook fills a long-vacant market niche for children's books relating to Elvis Presley, and has broken two sales records since its release on November 1, 2013.
Traditionally, self-published books average sales of 100 books or less annually, or 8.3 book sales per month. Elvis the Penguin's record places it in the rare, upper echelons within the self-publishing industry, according to its publisher, David Collins, of WingSpan Press. Author Kara Casanova recognized she had a unique, marketable storybook soon after completing the manuscript in 2006. After countless rejections from traditional publishers, she decided to self-publish Elvis the Penguin in early 2013. "I had every belief this book, and this little character, had a place in the market, if only I could get it out there. So it was easy to make the decision to self-publish Elvis the Penguin," said Casanova. "I believed it would do well over time, but I didn't expect it to take off quite like this in its first month. It's been an incredibly exciting time, and I can't wait to see how things go as the book really begins to take off."Videos