Dunham Books announces the upcoming release of 9 WAYS WE'RE SCREWING UP OUR GIRLS AND HOW WE CAN STOP: A GUIDE TO HELPING GIRLS REACH THEIR HIGHEST POTENTIAL. Written by self-esteem expert and researcher Anea Bogue, with a Foreword by Jennifer Buffett, President of the NoVo Foundation, this revolutionary guide is dedicated to helping parents and anyone who cares about the well-being of girls. At a time when research indicates that the average girl's self-esteem peaks at the age of 9-and then plummets-this book is a guide to understanding the root causes of the self-esteem crisis, the way we are unknowingly contributing to it, and what we can do to ensure that every girl is empowered to live up to her full potential.
Drawing from more than 20 years of experience working with girls and women of all ages, Ms. Bogue provides specific action steps that empower the reader to help create a world in which the female half of our "team" is consistently capable of thriving mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
As Ms. Buffett, a passionate advocate for girls and women, recently stated, "I am thrilled to have been asked to write the Foreword for Anea's book. It is essential now that we gain a clearer, deeper and better understanding of the roles society and culture have played in socializing our girls, so that we can make the necessary positive shifts towards supporting their full expression and true empowerment. Their wholeness and contributions are essential to our collective future and I commend Anea on her clear and powerful analysis. Her book will be helpful to everyone who reads it."
Fran Hauser, President of Time Digital, added, "As women and as mothers, we need to be equipped to teach our daughters how to be confident and love themselves through all of life's ups and downs. Anea's new book teaches us how to empower our daughters to look inward for self-confidence instead of being overly influenced by today's stereotypes."
9 WAYS WE'RE SCREWING UP OUR GIRLS AND HOW WE CAN STOP will be available in trade paperback (ISBN 978-1-939447-40-1) and in e-book (ISBN: 978-1-939447-41-8) formats. For more information about the author visit http://www.AneaBogue.com. To schedule an interview with the author, or to request a review copy of the book, please send your request to crystal(at)dunhamgroupinc(dot)com.