When construction workers stumble upon an extraordinary discovery deep underground in the deserts of southern Nevada, the world forever changes. That's just the opening salvo in this new collection of stories released by Dog Ear Publishing. Wondrous and previously undiscovered beings who live in a huge subterranean cavern pair up with entrepreneurs in a special business, working together to resolve unexpected situations.
Set in the near future, "Strange Tails" shares tales of surprising beings who mystify and intrigue anyone they encounter. The story "The House of Joy" features the initial discovery of catlike beings with a flair for the dramatic. "The Stink Bug Rally" offers a race based not on speed but on time, with participants working to beat their opponents at any cost. The race will take a toll on everyone involved.
"The Gardens of Alderman" presents a tall tale featuring conspiracy and love when a crewmember on a ship shares exotic chemicals that affect people and plants, spreading strange things on endless worlds. "The Secretive Side of Ole Smokey" highlights a hill climb event set on a remote planet known as Angora. The unusual participants include humans and extraterrestrials, pitted against each other and making astonishing discoveries. The author explores an age-old tradition in "The Stills of O.P.P.S." when ancient Earth texts are used to create liquids designed to dispel problems. But their actions may lead to more problems than solutions.
Dog Ear Publishing reviews this new work, and the writer's love of humor and adventure shine through each unforgettable story. Stylized illustrations by Jamie Bennett throughout the text enhance the tales.
Author Duain Bennett is inspired to write stories and science fiction thanks to his passion for astronomy and participation in motor sports. He lives in Las Vegas. The retired carpenter has two grandchildren.
For additional information, please visit http://www.bennettscifistories.com
Strange Tails
Duain D. Bennett
Dog Ear Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4575-3642-7
356 pages
$24.95 US
Available at Ingram, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and fine bookstores everywhere.
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