West Palm Beach, Florida
Educators at all experience levels are looking for practical, research-based strategies to manage difficult situations. In response, Learning Sciences International is releasing 20 Disciplinary Strategies for Working With Challenging Students by Dr. William N. Bender.
The book describes an in-depth, three-tiered disciplinary approach that includes preventative, whole-class, and whole-school disciplinary strategies; guidance for avoiding triggers to misbehavior; and specific, differentiated strategies for intensive, targeted interventions to ensure that discipline practices are consistently fair and effective. It provides easy-to-implement solutions, such as flipped, technology-based, and project-based classroom formats, as well as RTI behavioral improvement programs, to improve disciplinary practice.
With an emphasis on recent issues and trends, Bender offers tips for putting advanced disciplinary strategies to immediate use in the modern classroom and describes the research foundation for each approach, exploring:
"Teachers and administrators working in all subject areas and grade levels can quickly adapt these strategies to meet their needs and improve their classroom management practice," says Bender. "With these proven discipline strategies in place, educators are free to focus on the ultimate goal: increasing student learning."
20 Disciplinary Strategies for Working With Challenging Students is available for pre-order from the Learning Sciences bookstore.
Learning Sciences International, a leading provider of print, web-based, and on-site solutions for professional development and performance management in education, supports schools and educational initiatives in 11 countries, three provinces in Canada, and 40 states in the United States of America. The company currently serves 427 school districts; 5,575 school buildings; 311,000 teachers; and more than 4 million students in the United States alone. For more information about the company, visit LearningSciences.com.