CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Oct. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire/ You want to know whether supplementation makes sense for you and your family, but it is so confusing. On the internet everyone is an expert. How do you sort through the claims and counter claims? Who should you believe? What is the truth?
This book gives you science-backed answers to these questions and much more. It guides you through the maze of claims and counter-claims, so you can choose a supplement program that is best for you.
It is also buyer beware in the supplement industry. Did you know that some supplement companies:
This book shines a light into the dark corners of the supplement industry and guides you through the maze of incompetence, lies, and deception, so you can choose supplements that are both safe and effective.
You need a trusted guide to help you navigate through the maze of conflicting supplement information. Dr. Chaney is that guide. He is:
In his 40+ years of teaching medical students and public speaking, Dr. Chaney realized just how confusing supplementation was to the average person. He understands your confusion. He understands your pain. In this book he cuts through the hype and confusion and slays the supplement myths. He gives you the truth about supplementation.
Dr. Steve Chaney received his BS degree from Duke University and his PhD degree in Biochemistry from UCLA. He was a professor in the Departments of Biochemistry & Biophysics and Nutrition at the University of North Carolina for 40 years. He is also the bestselling author of "Slaying The Food Myths".
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SOURCE Dr. Steve Chaney