It had never been done before in American politics, much less Montana. A no-name who's not originally from the state, with no political backing, no war chest, no years of campaigning and building relationships, and no political capital going against one of the most powerful, influential, well-connected, well-funded, decades-in-the-making legislators in the state and coming 33 votes away from winning the state Senate seat - that had never been done before. And Dr. Rollan Roberts II did it with the patent-pending 90 Day Race. ??
"You can spend years, even decades, struggling and grinding along trying to:
- Earn a Massive Income?
- Build a Massive Business?
- Accomplish a Massive Dream
- Achieve Massive Attractiveness?
... and never get there. Or you can do the 90 Day Race and do more to get you where you want to be than years of consistent effort and struggle. Magic happens during the 90 Day Race, and this thrilling read can be the beginning to your Massive Results!," says Dr. Roberts.
Dr. Roberts has created and packaged the 90 Day Race Formula and provides phone consultations along with guided 90 Day Races for companies and individuals.
"'The 90 Day Race' is ideal for companies looking to grow quickly and inspire their staff and sales teams to achieve new levels of excellence and revenue," Dr. Roberts continued. This is his fourth book after "Born to be Rich," "Born to Dream," and "Riot: An Assault on Modern Leadership."
The 90 Day Race book, program and consultation services are available at
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