Dr. Carol Francis, Psychologist and Life Coach serving Los Angeles near Torrance, Manhattan Beach, and Palos Verdes, provides psychotherapy and published materials which guide women, men, professionals and relationships down the path of success. During this teleseminar, in-depth psychotherapy tools and easy tools for daily use are presented for clients and counselors alike. "Every individual has innate and developed tools which enable them to succeed at small and huge accomplishments in life. They also possess roadblocks or glitches which mess up their path to success. How does an individual identify the tools they possess, the tools which will best suit their personality style and acquire brand new tools which will create more success are the three questions I will explain during this teleseminar sponsored by Good Therapy." The seminar is available for members or for the curious through this link: Dr. Carol Francis, Psychology and Tools for Success.
Life-Success Therapeutic Interventions:
Clinically Equipping Clients for Success and Satisfaction
Presented by Carol Francis, PsyD
Web Conference Description
To remain relevant in this modern, quick-changing western society, professional psychotherapists need to also master therapeutic techniques which develop and ignite a client's ability to be successful.
Success in western society is often defined as being able to:
1) Create happy, vibrant, and rewarding relationships
2) Attain and maintain work in ways that supports financial fluidity (following financial security)
3) Sculpture healthy, active bodies
4) Discover, create and evolve a path that feels existentially meaningful-perhaps spiritual, purposeful or worthwhile
"Living life to the fullest" is the new normative and socialized goal which this new era of clients seek more often than merely symptom relief or cures from trauma. Psychotherapists thus need to embrace different perspectives and utilize old tools, modify "popular culture" tools, and create new tools to facilitate this search for being fully satisfied with self and life," explains Psychologist and Life Coach Dr. Carol Francis.
This Web Conference is designed to help clinicians and their clients:
1) Differentiate the perspectives, goals, tools, and limits of medical models, pathology-models, interpersonal-models, developmental-models, neuropsychological and psychobiological models, and successful life-oriented models;
2) Delineate details and personality-profiles associated with the current client population which seeks successful-life-oriented treatment as associated to sociology, economics, psychosocial historical shifts, self-help industry and coaching industry, pathology, and health of society;
3) Apply traditional psychotherapeutic techniques which can be modified to focus on a Success-Oriented model;
4) Utilize newer clinical psychotherapies oriented to success and satisfaction models.
If readers have any questions about this Web Conference, or are wishing more information, please contact GoodTherapy.com here: Click Link
Dr. Carol Francis has 32 years experience providing psychotherapy and has worked with tens of thousands of people. In her work, Dr. Francis eagerly seeks to invigorate each person's life and each professionals' toolbox. Dr. Francis has written over nine books, articles, and chapters on the topics of family, marriage, children, psychotherapy, weight loss, habit cessation, abuse, military life, spiritual mindfulness, anxiety, cognitive improvement, and fitness. She hosts Dr. Carol Francis Radio Talk Show and has been a professor, keynote conference speaker, and television show host and guest since 2008.
For more information about Dr. Francis, please visit: http://www.drcarolfrancis.com/contact.nxg