Adeleke Eniola Oyenusi's recovery from kidney failure inspired him to write his new book "Living a Normal and Healthy Life after Renal (Kidney) Failure" (published by Trafford Publishing) to encourage and educate other renal patients with little or no knowledge about the condition.
"I asked my wife to quickly rush me to the hospital when I became breathless and feared I would go there and die," explained Oyenusi. "Subsequent events led to me being on dialysis before I ever understood what renal (kidney) failure entailed. However, I survived and I believe that writing this book about kidney failure will inspire other sufferers."
"Living a Normal and Healthy Life after Renal (Kidney) Failure" is a book of hope, encouragement, awareness, creation and determination for people to never give up on any sickness or condition, but to forge ahead and live life against all odds.
"Living a Normal and Healthy Life after Renal (Kidney) Failure"
By Dr. Adeleke Eniola Oyenusi
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 122 pages | ISBN 9781425130923
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Dr. Adeleke Eniola Oyenusi is a native of Irolu Ijebu Remo. Ogun State. Nigeria. He attended college and finished his advanced level certificate in 1980. He then attended school in Ukraine to study Russian Language in 1981, continued for his Msc in 1982 at the Belarusian Institute of National Economy and finished in 1987. He moved to Moscow in 1987 to further his education in the Russian republic and completed a doctorate in economics. Oyenusi had a stroke in 2000 that left him paralyzed but has since fully recovered. In 2002, he was diagnosed with kidney failure and had a kidney transplant in 2008.He is married with three children.
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