Believe by Diane C. Coates (published by AuthorHouse) is a delightful and heartwarming volume that follows Dannie Hines, a middle school art teacher, daughter and friend. Her mother is preparing to leave this world. Principal Tillman has taken all of her classes in exchange for a class of students no one else wants to teach from the Juvenile Detention Center. She receives help as she remembers events from her past which taught important lessons in life. There is also help coming from a very special relative, Riley, her uncle, now a spirit. She also has a best friend Margo. They are kindred souls placed on the planet to help each other.
This book is about a mother who asks God for just a little more time to help her daughter realize her gifts. It shows Flame, one of the students in Dannie's class, trying to find her place in the world when her family has evaporated.
It shows Margo's struggle to put together her family split apart by something she did. It shows Dannie, desperately trying to help everyone and make her own peace with her family and her mother.
It revolves around love, honesty, friendship, telepathy, out-of-body experiences, healing and more. It can help a lot of readers find a special kind of peace. This volume is for everyone. This book deals with teleporting, out-of-body experiences, and a warm southern family.
Believe offers readers healing. It shows there is a deep spiritual purpose to everything that occurs in life. Readers will see this as Dannie Hines copes with her mother's sickness, her teaching career, and her lifetime friendship.
About the Author
Since the 1970's through the present, Diane C. Coates has been writing plays and screenplays. In 1999, she became a public cable television producer, writing and producing a week television on Manhattan Neighborhood Network's in New York City. 1971, she graduated from Howard University with a B.A. degree in art education. Later she earned a Master's Degree in Education majoring in experimental education. She has been a teacher and an artist for 34 years in the public school system. Her awakening to the paranormal and spiritual started in college. Presently, Coates teaches 3D Animation at a charter high school in Washington, D.C.
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