Set in the fictitious village of Sunnyvale, “Witch Wobble and Friends” is a gentle, humorous story of a friendly witch and the various occupants of Moonstone Cottage. The story leads to a Halloween party in celebration of Witch Wobble’s birthday, and many unusual guests attend. The guests include a white winged stallion and his female partner, a black unicorn.
Inspired from the stories Hargrave told his granddaughter Abigail, “Witch Wobble and Friends” aims to offer readers entertainment. Moreover, he hopes that the easy-to-read stories perked up with appealing illustrations will put a smile on readers’ faces as they get to know the unique characters.
A snippet from the book:
Henry and David were under the small table discussing current politics as if they were experts, which they were not, as David is a mouse and Henry is a frog.
To purchase and know more about the book, readers can visit
“Witch Wobble and Friends”
By Denzil Hargrave
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 56 pages | ISBN 9781543486896
E-Book | 56 pages | ISBN 9781543486902
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Denzil Hargrave was born, educated and worked all his life in Leeds, West Yorkshire. He worked as an industrial chemist for a small family firm that produced textile oils. He married his wife Denise in 1977, and together they have two children and three grandchildren.
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