CHICAGO -In "SOUL FLYING INTO MOUNT ZION" (published by Xlibris) she creates an enlightening read that gives readers a multifaceted outlook on religion and God's influence to humanity.
"SOUL FLYING INTO MOUNT ZION" is an inspiring read that shows the author's incredible journey through life and how faith helped form her perceptions on the world. It also gives readers a whole new appreciation for the many gifts God has bestowed on humanity. This immersive read shows how the author was saved from a grave affliction and how this event prompted her to devote her life to God.
This book was created by the author to remind readers of God's unwavering love for his children and how he gave his only son to save humanity from their own sins. It is an enlightening book for readers everywhere.
By Debra Yarbrough Roberts
Hardcover | 6x9in | 94 pages | ISBN 9781499016901
Softcover | 6x9in | 94 pages | ISBN 9781499016918
E-Book | 94 pages | ISBN 9781499016895
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Debra J. Yarbrough received salvation in 1975. She was twenty-one years old, when she was struck with a lung disease Sarcoidosis. After receiving Prayer, she instantly becomes healed of that infiltrative disease. Since Debra has written, a well-depicted book entitled, "The Girl That Refused To Die" And inserted in the back pages are medical documents copied from North Western Hospital. No more infiltrated disease to be found. And has now finished her second exciting book "Soul Flying INTO Mount Zion" Debra has been faithfully in ministry forty years serving wounded people helping them recover from the snare. UNDER DEBRA'S PALM TREE MINISTRIES INC. Judges 4: 15. Debra is a Prophetess in her own right and has predicted many futurist events into people's lives.
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