An introverted young woman struggling with fictional companions that inhibit her personal growth seeks help from a psychotherapist and ultimately finds a deeper connection with herself in the new book by author Deborah Partington, "Telling Stories" (published by Abbott Press).
Partington originally wrote 31 short stories during the course of her doctoral studies and thereafter. When she began studying the projective hypothesis - the idea that people project their own needs, motives and conflicts onto ambiguous stimuli - she realized her short stories could be connected and expanded upon in novel form. Thus, "Telling Stories" was written.
Narrated in first person by the book's anonymous main character, "Telling Stories" is fueled by the discussions this character has with her therapist Dr. Freyn, who remains silent for the book's entirety. The 31 short stories Partington originally penned span the timeframe of the novel - 31 weeks of therapy sessions - with the anonymous woman telling one story per week to Dr. Freyn, as per his recommendation.
Each story delves deeper into the details of the woman's hidden companions. Because her therapy has hit an impasse, Dr. Freyn feels it necessary for her to personify the issues that are hampering her growth as an individual. As the novel progresses, readers are taken on a romp through the interconnected lives of these fictional companions.
"The idea of psychotherapy and delving into the unconscious has been a part of our culture since Freud documented the 'talking cure'," Partington says. "Many readers will have had some experience with psychotherapy or have known friends and family members who have. This book provides another look at the therapeutic process."
"Telling Stories"
By Deborah Partington
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Deborah Partington lives in Phoenix. She has a master's degree from Goddard College and an MFA in creative writing from Arizona State University. She also has a doctoral degree in clinical psychology. "Telling Stories" is her first novel. She is currently working on her second novel.
Abbott Press, a division of Writer's Digest - the oldest and most respected publisher devoted to the education and advancement of writers - is an indie-publishing imprint dedicated to helping writers bring their literary vision to print. Author Solutions, LLC, a leader in indie book publishing, will fulfill publishing, sales, and marketing services for Abbott Press. For more information, or to begin publishing a book today, log on to or call 866-697-5310.