David McCaslin, a spiritualist, researcher, devoted writer and author, has completed his newest work "Hoosier Heaven": a gripping and potent work that portrays the beauty of self-worth and spiritual understanding.
Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, David McCaslin's intellectual work details a truth seeker's journey after realizing their life is out of control ... how they self-train mind control to realize a wisdom-enriched enlightened understanding of their suffering.
"Hoosier Heaven" highlights modern incarnations of intellectually sketched unverifiable religious maxims: cognitively planted spiritual signposts cultivated from theology's sandal-clad descriptions in time and translation-worn ancient writings that come to mind when believers think "spiritual peace"... gazing hopefully up to the sky, consciously blind to the Tree of Life rhythm pulsing deep inside. Realizing how a new experience-assimilated wisdom-enriched understanding of the relational justice controlling the cause-into-effect transformation animating today's reality is from the same ageless web of wisdom synching together the same irrefutable laws of impermanence nurturing the Garden of Eden Tree of Life, suddenly makes a lot of ends meet.
Knowingly or unknowingly, everyone chooses either experientially assimilated or unverifiable borrowed knowledge to generate wisdom while perceiving the nature of this reality as impermanent or continual. It's reflected in their every decision. Their chosen knowledge type determines the substance character of the wisdom shaping their worldview ... the nature of their mind.
"Hoosier Heaven" considers how individuals are conditioned to mistakenly distinguish this reality's dimensional nature as being continuous, allowing untethered attachment to the illusory unchanging presence of things and ideas, hosting uncompromised clinging to an ego-managed sense of an imaginary "I AM", living lost in a state of confused ignorance like Adam and Eve. Blindly trusted Tree of (borrowed) Knowledge declaration is not experientially validated living truth ... God so forewarned Adam. This ignorance triggers all human suffering.
Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase "Hoosier Heaven" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.
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