A masterful conclusion to the "Stone Wall Freedom" trilogy, "Stone Wall Freedom-The Slave" provides a never-before-seen glimpse into the early history of Rhode Island's Block Island, the community with the highest number of slaves per capita in the Northeast in 1786. The book will be available for purchase wherever books are sold April 1. A book signing for "Stone Wall Freedom - The Slave" will be 2-4 p.m., April 20 at Bank Square Books in Mystic, CT.
"Stone Wall Freedom-The Slave," set in post-revolution Rhode Island, tells the inspiring story of Hannibal, the son of an African king who now finds himself a slave without rights. Hannibal's quest for freedom encourages readers to find meaning and freedom in their own lives.
The community of Block Island, pressured from mainland New England, passes a new ordinance granting freedom to any slave that successfully builds a stone wall across the island. This gives new hope to Hannibal's long-dreamt dream of liberty. Though his fellow slaves doubt him and his master actively works against him, Hannibal adamantly persists in building his freedom wall and finds unlikely help in an English cleric and a Navy Captain. The exhilarating conclusion "Stone Wall Freedom-The Slave" is a novel driven by Hannibal's fierce determination, unflagging perseverance, and inspiring dedication to earning his beloved liberty.
"Stone Wall Freedom-The Slave" is a tribute to the many thousands of American slaves who lived in a post-revolution world, hoping for a better life. This masterpiece of a novel ponders the ideas of freedom, independence, and hope; "Stone Wall Freedom-The Slave" succeeds in creating a new sense of the importance of freedom and autonomy.
David Lee Tucker holds a bachelor's degree and master's degree from the University of Connecticut. He currently lives in Trumbull, Connecticut and spends summers on Block Island, the setting of his three books. This is the third and final book of his "Stone Wall Freedom" trilogy.
Book specifications:
Stone Wall Freedom by David Lee Tucker/ Two Harbors Press/April 1, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-938690-07-5 / Paperback: $16.95