David C. Hayes' career as a writer of fiction takes a turn for the dark with the release of his debut solo novel "Cherub" from Bizarro Pulp Press."Cherub" is available via Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I6HRD0Y/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_tmb
"Hayes has the unique ability to convey the most sickening acts in a way that will have you laughing between retches. Once the book closes, you'll need to shower and after that you'll wonder what it says about you that Hayes managed to touch so deep and dark. You will be affected." - Kevin Moyers at CinemaHeadCheese.com.
David C. Hayes is an actor, author and poet. He has appeared on screens worldwide for over a decade and is an award-winning writer.
You can also see David C. Hayes in the title role of the Metaphysical Dark Action Comedy A Man Called Nereus available on i-Tunes.
A Nathan Hill picture Produced by Armored Vision http://www.amancallednereus.com