"As human beings we all need to be loved, want to be loved and thrive from love," says author Darlene R. Neal, M.A. In "The Guidebook to a Better Relationship," (published by Xlibris) she taps into her extensive education and over a decade of work experience in human relations to help individuals become aware of their worth and know what their relationship qualities are in order to choose better, meaningful relationships.
Neal created "The Guidebook to a Better Relationship" to raise individuals' self-awareness and self-acceptance skills, which will allow them the opportunity to make better relationship choices. Her book promotes self-improvement, self-empowerment, working through personal challenges and issues, as well as pursuing what one really wants and expects from a relationship.
An excerpt from the book reads:
As you develop the skills to become a better you, you will discover more improved relationships with others. The better you feel about yourself, the easier it will become to find someone who understands you and 'gets you' without all of the hard work of trying to change someone into who you want them to be or trying to change who you are for the benefit of the other person.
"The Guidebook to a Better Relationship" is a self-help and awareness book that encourages self-developmental growth and accountability for individual's actions and behavior. It is Neal's way of reaching out to the world to make people feel more empowered and confident in their self-acceptance and self-reliance skills, and to feel good about themselves, whether they are in a relationship or single and seeking a mate.
"The Guidebook to a Better Relationship"
By Darlene R. Neal, M.A.
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 92 pages | ISBN 9781499053760
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 92 pages | ISBN 9781499053777
E-Book | 92 pages | ISBN 9781499053784
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Darlene R. Neal, M.A. has worked in the human relations field for over a decade; facilitating and advocating for diversified families and individuals from all types of social and economic back grounds. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, from Central State University and a Master of Arts degree in Human Behavior, from National University. Her social service work experience extends from ages six months old to 96 years of age. In which, allowed her a better opportunity to broaden her insight and expertise in helping all types of individuals and families; economically, socially, mentally, and emotionally, improve upon their basic needs to thrive and succeed in their quality of life as a whole.
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